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Finding My Way Home: A Guided Activity Journal For Women Longing to Reconnect With Their True Self

Book cover (6 x 9 in) (6 x 9 in) front_e

This guided activity journal contains steps to help you identify reasons you are not quite feeling yourself. It then provides suggestions for how to feel more connected to yourself and your purpose, to once again feel authentic, joyful, and fulfilled. The journal offers a roadmap to healing and growth through integration of yourself cognitively, emotionally, somatically, and spirituality. Each step comes with a brief explanation, followed by practices to engage in, as well as, space for reflection.

My intention writing this journal was to give you ideas for how to start this process and learn concepts and practices essential to your healing and growth. The journey never ends, and the beauty of this journal's "formula" is that it can be repeated throughout different areas and times in your life. It can be adjusted and molded to your current needs. It is not a "one fits all" model. It is yours to take, explore, and build upon. My hope is that it sparks your curiosity and creativity.

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